I love all the detail. Someone must have been working days on them!
The pattern and colors look like stars in the morning,which would be really pretty.
All the sequins make it look like fish scales.beautiful fish scales too!
The texture and design reminds me off a fancy floral carpet.
This shoe looks like it was painted in gold and after a while it started to chip.
this shoe was the one I didn't like that much. It looks like Pearl fishnet tights cut at sock length and worn over boots.
Each one of thies shoes looked like a metal sculpture!
see the rest of the collection here at style.com
Damn,those chanel boots are simply AH-MAZING! chanel never cease to fail right? :D
StopAndStareStyle - btw,posted my SECOND EVVVER look on here lol,so i'd love to hear your feedback.It would be much MUCH appreciated :D
omg! I can't believe that!!!! METAL SHOES? hope they don't get RUSTY..... but they look cool......
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