Mine was great! On Friday I went trick-or-treating in town because they did it early. I got a teddy bear trick-or-treating at an antique store and then I looked at the antique barbies. They where just like my grandma's! Speaking of barbies, my sister got rid of all hers and I've been wanting barbies for stuff and today a Friend at school said they had some they could give me. OK, back to Halloween. After trick-or-treating we ate at a nice restaurant and I got
Scooby snacks (mini corn dogs) off the kid's menu, then we went home.
On the official Halloween, we had church in the morning then I had to rewrite three pages of a story from school that I thought I would have had done but we where so busy I didn't have time so on HALLOWEEN I had to write it. Then we cleaned and later we had a party with some of my brothers Friends families (it's unfair only my brothers Friends came). Then we walked up to my grandparent's house for some Candie and then we all drove off to trick-or-treat in a nearby neighborhood.
What I wore...

B J stands for Ben
Jammin a name my teachers came up with for me when I wore my super hero cape to school on the first day of school this year.

I had some really cool face paint but you can't see it well in the pictures. It was a lot like the makeup in
Alexander McQueen Fall 2002 .

On official Halloween I was a Bohemian gypsy physic inspired by the Vogue 2010 may American woman photo shoot with Sasha
Pivoverova. The picture makes my eyes look red
which is even more creepy!

What others wore...
Wii remote. A+ for creativity!

Sorry I didn't get many pictures of other people from Halloween.
Halloween costumes I
designed when I was ion 3rd grade...

Pumpkins I carved...


I didn't know what to carve and then I remembered this picture I drew of A Blythe Dressed as twiggy.

Stuff I saw while Trick-or-treating...

I saw this random thing knit around a pole but it's pretty cool.

A creepy/cool spider that moved in...

It's a yellow and black garden spider. what A coincidence it moved in so close to Halloween. It spins a really cool web with a
zig zag right through the middle.
this is so cute. I just moved to Nashville TN and I had a great amazing to wild hallo haha. Your blog is unique I always search for the rarest blogs not typical ones ya know=] I am your newest follower=]
Oh! Thanks.
Thats so awsome great photos :)
BJ stands for blowjob. lolz
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