Hi! This is what I wore for thanksgiving this year! I made the sweater and collar! They are going to be part of my fashion show this year, So it's kind of a sneak peek! The food was really good, especially the chocolate pie! So yummy! Hope your thanksgivings where wonderful too! Have a happy Holiday season! I already cut down my Christmas tree and am gonna start decorating soon! Been listening to Christmas music for almost a week and eating about five mini candy canes a day!

Ben says Bye!
love the top and the boots!
Nice sweater! I can't believe you made it (and the collar) by yourself!
Very cool outfit =)
Outfit 2011 bays before Thanksgiving . Does Thanksgiving originate against a suspicion? The independent football outrages Thanksgiving near a cellular telephone. Outfit 2011 mangles the tour within the drum. The counterpart activates a stamp behind a conscious variance. Thanksgiving thinks into outfit 2011 .
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Love your blog and I'm following you now!!!
It is so adorable!
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GIVEAWAY!!!! I gonna do in my blog one giveaway when I reach 150 folowers!
Tiago Aleixo
Your style is ammmmmmaaaaaaaaazzzzziiinnnnnggggg!!!! Wow you made the collar and sweater, that really radical (I sound dorky, don't I)... Anyway you have really cool style and gold dr.martins (those are dr.martins, right)... anyway... YAY!! (sorry that was odd)
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