Hi, I'm back! Happy holidays! My youngest brother made me that colorful snowflake garland thing! Do you like it? What did you get for Christmas? I got a two inch thick book called FASHION. Guess what, it's about fashion in time and influential designers(obviously)!

Loved Dior couture! To bad John doesn't design it anymore. :(

Alexander McQueen!

Look familiar?

Versace! I love vintage Versace.

I also got an Alexander McQueen paper doll book!

Look! The Armadillo show is all wrong! This upsets me sooo! :( How could they get it wrong! I'll have to explain it to them.

My Halloween costume inspiration. :)

Another thing i got that I really like is Versus Baby Blue Jeans!

The container is so cute! I LOVE IT! The bottle's nice too. I like wearing it, It makes me feel special. It doesn't smell as spicy as i remembered it when i smelled it in Ketchikan but it's still nice to smell. It's kind of lemony at first but then it just smells more like vanilla baby powder or something and by brother gave me this bag my grandparents got in Bolivia that he never used.

I kept asking him for it but he never gave it to me! Until Christmas. I also got a cool pattern book with all sorts of interesting geometric patterns and instructions to make the clothes in the pictures.

I got a rainbow of glitter nail polish and eye shadows along with some eyeliner. My Friends got me Muppet themed mini nail polishes, a Russian doll container and REAL BINDIS!

I love the flower bindi! I haven't worn it yet though because I'm saving it for a special occasion. Got an animal watch!!!

I also got an ipod doc, toothpaste and a toothbrush. Here's My tree!

Do you like the way I decorated it? I didn't put my nativity out this year but I'm gonna replace my angels with cute little cherubs and then i will definitely display it next year. Are you ready for new year? I'm exited! I'm getting my hair dyed light blond for a new look for 2012. I'm gonna celebrate in my room dressing up crazy and dancing to Nicki Minaj, Lady gaga and Parry Gripp! I might also play Dance Dance Revolution! I'll also through/blow glitter and bubbles all over my room, And i won't sleep all night! I'll watch the sun set and rise! Then I'll probably sleep. I've been staying up till like 1 in the morning lately and today i got out of bed at lunch time! I feel so lazy! I used to see in comics or TV teens would wake up way late and i thought "how could anyone sleep that long!" Now I do it! Thank goodness we don't have school this week! Among my many new years resolutions are getting into a normal person schedule and sleeping and awaking earlier, being more on time and productive(finishing projects in time and doing all my homework earlier) and being cleaner (showering more often and brushing my teeth twice a day, that sorta thing). Happy new year! Ben says Bye!
PS. i didn't get any snow this year. :( I hate global warming.
PPS. A Friend and i are making a puppet show! We have a blog about it but we haven't posted anything yet but check it out soon! I will post our pilot holiday special soon. I was going to post it on Christmas but i was lazy and didn't edit it in time.
All your presents sound super cool! I love the Alexander McQueen paper doll book thing-y! Your lucky that you are allowed to dye your hair! soo yay...
Wow, the book about geometric patterns seems really interesting! You can actually make your own clothes with it! You're lucky to also have the FASHION book AND the Alexander McQueen paper dolls too! Speaking for myself, I got a See By Chloé coat!
Happy New Year to you too!
how is the book cover ?! what's the author ?! it sounds awesome !
J'adore ton blog et tes photos !!
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